435 research outputs found

    Gendered (in)visibility in digital media contexts

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    In digital media environments, gendered inequalities can be observed on the level of representation and participation in online discussions and digital communities as well as regarding the prevalence of gender norms in self-presentations, and power relations in social interactions. The #MeToo debate exemplifies how gendered inequalities become visible in social media but also reveals the increasing hostility against women online. Drawing on the concept of digital visibility and informed by theoretical perspectives on gendered digital visibility from gender and feminist research and media and communication studies, the article reviews current research and identifies three distinct processes that characterize gendered digital visibility: (1) replication, (2) reinforcement, and (3) resilience. In doing so, the article proposes a taxonomy of research on gendered digital visibility. Findings highlight the ambivalence of women’s participation in online discussions as well as the replication and reinforcement of gender norms through digital technology. Moreover, interrelatedness of these processes and implications for future research are discussed

    Die mögliche Rolle der antennalen Cuticularporen beim Sexualverhalten von Cyaneolytta sp. (Coleoptera: Meloidae)

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    Cantharidin, which is mainly found in blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae), is one of the most intensively studied natural products of insect (Dettner, 1997; McCormick & Carrel, 1987). The involvement of cantharidin in courtship behaviour has been already confirmed for certain canthariphilous insects (Eisner & al. 1996a,b; Frenzel & Dettner 1994; Frenzel & al. 1992; Schütz & Dettner, 1992; Hemp & al. 1999). The function and intrinsinc role of cantharidin in the courtship behaviour of Meloids has been never fully established. McCormick & Carrel (1987) only suggested that cantharidin might be used by female meloids when selecting a mate at close range. Pinto (1974, 1975) was, in fact, the first to consider male cuticular pores as being involved in the courtship behaviour of species from the genus Linsleya and Tegrodera (Meloidae). Based on morphology and chemical analyses of Cyaneolytta sp. (Coleoptera: Meloidae), we have hereby provided some further evidences that cantharidin may act as an infochemical in courtship behaviour of meloid beetles.Ölkäfer (Col: Meloidae) gehören zu den Insekten mit medizinischer Bedeutung. Cantharidin, das im gesamten Körper (v.a. in den Sexualorganen beider Geschlechter) der Käfer zu finden ist, verursacht Blasen auf der Haut. Die mögliche Rolle des Cantharidins im Sexualverhalten der Ölkäfer ist von besonderem wissenschaftlichem Interesse. Cyaneolytta sp. wurde in Karen, Kenia, gesammelt. Nach der Sektion wurden die Insektenkompartimente hydrolysiert und mittels quantitativer GC-MS chemisch analysiert. Um Poren der Kutikula und andere äußere Merkmale zu untersuchen, wurde ein Rasterelektronenmikroskop verwendet. Für Dünnschnitte der inneren Gewebe wurden Mikrotomschnitte angefertigt. Statistische Analysen wurden mit dem Softwarepaket Statistica durchgeführt. In den Antennen von Cyaneolytta sp. Péringuey, 1909 finden sich extrem hohe Cantharidinmengen. Die Daten zeigen eine deutliche Korrelation zwischen der Dichte der Kutikularporen und dem Cantharidingehalt der Antennenglieder Scapus und Pedicellus der Cyaneolytta-Männchen. Es existieren zahlreiche kanalartige Strukturen, die sich von der Hämolymphe der Antennen zur Oberfläche erstrecken, wo sich die Kutikularporen befinden. Betrachtet man den Cantharidingehalt der Antennensegmente, so enthalten die Glieder der Männchen viel größere Mengen als die der Weibchen. Auch besitzen die Kutikularporen der Weibchen eine deutlich geringere Dichte auf den Antennensegmenten. Die kanalartigen Strukturen auf den ersten beiden Antennensegmenten der Weibchen könnten uni- oder multizelluläre Tubuli sein, die das in der Hämolymphe zirkulierende Cantharidin an die Oberfläche bringen, aber die Poren auf den Antennen der Weibchen müssen eine andere Funktion haben. Während des Balzverhaltens berühren sich beide Geschlechter mit den Antennen, wobei die cantharidinhaltigen Poren in direkten Kontakt mit den weiblichen Antennen gelangen. Es wird vermutet, dass Cantharidin an die Oberfläche der Antennen der Männchen abgegeben wird. Demnach könnte der porenhaltige Bereich der männlichen Antennen eine Struktur sein, die Cantharidin abgibt, während der porenhaltige Bereich der weiblichen Antennen ein Rezeptorfeld darstellen könnte, dessen Chemorezeptoren einen bevorzugten Geschlechtspartner erkennen. Damit wurden weitere Hinweise für die Hypothese gesammelt, dass Cantharidin eine Rolle bei der sexuellen Selektion im Nahbereich spielt

    How to tell the kids? Parental crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Crisis communication in a pandemic is challenging for parents, who have to explain risks and prevention measures to their children without transferring their own worries. Studies about crises indicate, that inappropriate crisis communication with children can ignite fears, worries, and even trauma among them. Recommended parental communication strategies in such situations are: (1) to consider developmental level to ensure comprehensibility; (2) to address age-related concerns; and (3) to use naturally occurring situations to talk about the crisis. However, the application of such strategies during a world-wide crisis is not known yet. Thus, we analyzed how parents explained their children the COVID-19 pandemic, which media they used, and which situations they employed. Following a mixed-method approach, semi-structured interviews (n = 55) and an online survey (n = 146) were conducted with parents in Germany. We identified three types of parental crisis communication (use of children-specific media, co-use of adult media, personal talk), found differences due to the developmental stage of the children, and recognized how parents used daily life activities for crisis talk. In sum, parents mostly employed forms of crisis communication recommended by experts, although they were sometimes hindered by the high burdens of their own emotional and organizational challenges

    Die Mischung macht's

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    Der Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie stellte Eltern und Kinder weltweit vor Herausforderungen und löste Unsicherheiten aus. Eltern mussten neben dem Alltag Homeoffice, Betreuungsaufgaben und die Begleitung des Homeschoolings ihrer Kinder bewältigen. Insbesondere die Schliessung der Kindestagesstätten und Schulen sowie Ausgangsbeschränkungen veränderten die familiären Tagesabläufe, was mit einer erhöhten Mediennutzung von Heranwachsenden und Erwachsenen einherging. Der Aufsatz untersucht auf Basis der Parental-Mediation-Theorie, welche Mediationsstrategien der kindlichen Mediennutzung Eltern während des ersten Lockdowns generell und bezogen auf Informationen über das Corona-Virus einsetzten, inwiefern sie diese Strategien pandemiebedingt anpassten und welche Faktoren bestimmten, für welche Form der Medienregulation sich Eltern entschieden. Er basiert auf Leitfadeninterviews (n = 55) sowie einer Onlinebefragung von Eltern mit Kindern im Alter von drei bis 18 Jahren (n = 146). Die Befunde zeigen, dass Eltern erstens verschiedene Mediationsstrategien miteinander kombinierten, diese zweitens in der Pandemie situativ den kindlichen Bedürfnisse anpassten und drittens Kind-, Eltern- und Kontextfaktoren die Wahl der Mediationsstrategie bestimmten.The outbreak of the Corona pandemic posed challenges and resolved uncertainties for parents and children worldwide. Parents had to cope with home office, childcare responsibilities, and accompanying their children’s homeschooling in addition to everyday life. In particular, daycare and school closures and curfew restrictions altered family routines, which was accompanied by increased media use by adolescents and adults. Drawing on parental mediation theory, this paper examines the mediation strategies of childen’s media use parents used during the first lockdown in general and in relation to information about the Corona virus, the extent to which they adapted these strategies in response to the pandemic, and the factors that determined which form of media regulation parents chose. It is based on guided interviews (n = 55) and an online survey of parents with children aged three to 18 (n = 146). The findings show that parents firstly combined different mediation strategies, secondly adapted them in the pandemic depending on the situation and the child’s needs, and thirdly that child, parent, and context factors determined the choice of mediation strategy

    Are byline biases an issue of the past? The effect of author’s gender and emotion norm prescriptions on the evaluation of news articles on gender equality

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    When female journalists write about issues of gender equality, they often become the target of incivility and their work is devaluated. Research has investigated such devaluations based on journalists’ gender under the scope of byline biases, analysing if it matters to readers whether a news piece is authored by a male or female journalist. In this paper, we set out to study if gender byline biases occur when journalists write about gender equality. As gender attributions become particularly salient through the presentation of gendered emotion norms, we also inquire in how it matters for readers’ interest in reading such an article and the attributed credibility of the author when an article prescribes gender-specific emotions. We report findings from two consecutive experimental studies, manipulating gender bylines and emotion norm prescriptions and include reader gender as a quasi-experimental factor. Our findings show that gender byline biases against female authors are depending on content and context characteristics and only become activated when gender cues are clearly visible. At the same time, we found a tendency to judge female authors as more credible for topics on gender equality, which (partly) mitigated negative effects on reading intention for female authors. The prescription of emotion norms did not further strengthen biases against female authors. Our study opens the path for further investigations into the question when gender bylines are activated and underlines the challenges for female journalists’ visibility when they address controversial issues such as gender equality

    "Weg mit dem Ungeziefer!": Hasskommentare aus Sicht der Nutzenden; Bewertung und Meldeverhalten

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    Hasskommentare in sozialen Medien und in den Kommentarbereichen von Nachrichtenwebseiten haben zu einer Debatte über inzivile Formen politischer Online-Partizipation geführt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag untersuchen wir, wie Devianzmerkmale und Neutralisierungstechniken in potenziellen Hasskommentaren die Bewertung und das Melden solcher Kommentare durch die Nutzenden beeinflussen. Dabei unterscheiden wir Kommentare nach Art der Normverletzung, Subtilität, Opfertyp und dem Vorhandensein von Rechtfertigungen oder Entschuldigungen. Ergebnisse einer Online-Befragung (n = 457), die ein wahlbasiertes Conjoint-Design beinhaltete, legen nahe, dass Gewaltaufrufe mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit gemeldet werden als Verschwörungstheorien, Gerüchte, Beleidigungen und Agitation. Direkte Normverstöße wurden häufiger gemeldet als indirekte Normverletzungen. Hasskommentare wurden eher akzeptiert, wenn sie eine Rechtfertigung oder Entschuldigung enthielten. Der Opfertyp hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Bewertung und das Melden von Hasskommentaren

    A cuckoo in wolves' clothing? Chemical mimicry in a specialized cuckoo wasp of the European beewolf (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae and Crabronidae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Host-parasite interactions are among the most important biotic relationships. Host species should evolve mechanisms to detect their enemies and employ appropriate counterstrategies. Parasites, in turn, should evolve mechanisms to evade detection and thus maximize their success. Females of the European beewolf (<it>Philanthus triangulum</it>, Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) hunt exclusively honeybee workers as food for their progeny. The brood cells containing the paralyzed bees are severely threatened by a highly specialized cuckoo wasp (<it>Hedychrum rutilans</it>, Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Female cuckoo wasps enter beewolf nests to oviposit on paralyzed bees that are temporarily couched in the nest burrow. The cuckoo wasp larva kills the beewolf larva and feeds on it and the bees. Here, we investigated whether <it>H. rutilans </it>evades detection by its host. Since chemical senses are most important in the dark nest, we hypothesized that the cuckoo wasp might employ chemical camouflage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Field observations suggest that cuckoo wasps are attacked by beewolves in front of their nest, most probably after being recognized visually. In contrast, beewolves seem not to detect signs of the presence of these parasitoids neither when these had visited the nest nor when directly encountered in the dark nest burrow.</p> <p>In a recognition bioassay in observation cages, beewolf females responded significantly less frequently to filter paper discs treated with a cuticular extract from <it>H. rutilans </it>females, than to filter paper discs treated with an extract from another cuckoo wasp species (<it>Chrysis viridula</it>). The behavior to paper discs treated with a cuticular extract from <it>H. rutilans </it>females did not differ significantly from the behavior towards filter paper discs treated with the solvent only.</p> <p>We hypothesized that cuckoo wasps either mimic the chemistry of their beewolf host or their host's prey. We tested this hypothesis using GC-MS analyses of the cuticles of male and female beewolves, cuckoo wasps, and honeybee workers. Cuticle extracts of <it>Hedychrum nobile </it>(Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) and <it>Cerceris arenaria </it>(Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) were used as outgroups. There was little congruence with regard to cuticular compounds between <it>H. rutilans </it>females and honeybees as well as females of <it>C. arenaria </it>and <it>H. nobile</it>. However, there was a considerable similarity between beewolf females and <it>H. rutilans </it>females. Beewolf females show a striking dimorphism regarding their cuticular hydrocarbons with one morph having (<it>Z</it>)-9-C25:1 and the other morph having (<it>Z</it>)-9-C27:1 as the major component. <it>H. rutilans</it> females were more similar to the morph having (Z)-9-C27:1 as the main component.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that <it>H. rutilans </it>females closely mimic the composition of cuticular compounds of their host species <it>P. triangulum</it>. The occurrence of isomeric forms of certain compounds on the cuticles of the cuckoo wasps but their absence on beewolf females suggests that cuckoo wasps synthesize the cuticular compounds rather than sequester them from their host. Thus, the behavioral data and the chemical analysis provide evidence that a specialized cuckoo wasp exhibits chemical mimicry of the odor of its host. This probably allows the cuckoo wasp to enter the nest with a reduced risk of being detected by olfaction and without leaving traitorous chemical traces.</p


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    For IS academics to provide political consulting and to offer expertise in political decision making would seem to open enormous opportunities for \u27doing good\u27 and for reinforcing the relevance of the IS field. However, the contributions of IS academics to political decision making are minor compared to our colleagues in other fields. This panel will offer the personal views of panel members on their involvement in different political activities and will explore the pros and cons of senior and junior IS academics getting involved in these activities from an individual\u27s, a school\u27s, and a community\u27s perspective. It should be of interest to those who wish to learn about political consulting in the field of IS, to those who have been involved in political activities, and to those who want to discuss the role of ICT-related experience to in the field of public decision making and regulation

    Ivermectin Inhibits the Replication of Usutu Virus In Vitro

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    Usutu virus (USUV) is an emerging mosquito-borne arbovirus within the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Similar to the closely related West Nile virus (WNV), USUV infections are capable of causing mass mortality in wild and captive birds, especially blackbirds. In the last few years, a massive spread of USUV was present in the avian population of Germany and other European countries. To date, no specific antiviral therapies are available. Nine different approved drugs were tested for their antiviral effects on the replication of USUV in vitro in a screening assay. Ivermectin was identified as a potent inhibitor of USUV replication in three cell types from different species, such as simian Vero CCL-81, human A549 and avian TME R. A 2- to 7-log10 reduction of the viral titer in the supernatant was detected at a non-cytotoxic concentration of 5 µM ivermectin dependent on the applied cell line. IC50 values of ivermectin against USUV lineage Africa 3 was found to be 0.55 µM in Vero CCL-81, 1.94 µM in A549 and 1.38 µM in TME-R cells. The antiviral efficacy was comparable between the USUV lineages Africa 2, Africa 3 and Europe 3. These findings show that ivermectin may be a candidate for further experimental and clinical studies addressing the treatment of USUV disease, especially in captive birds
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